Welcome to Paracosmos: Audial

Paracosmos: Audial is the second subsidiary under Paracosmos, and was founded shortly after Paracosmos: Visual. Paracosmos: Audial is dedicated to releasing sound artworks that speak with the voice of the artist, bathing listeners in sound waves that will resonate with their imaginations and their emotions.


Explore our expanding catalogue of music, including releases such as albums, EPs, singles, and live releases.


Explore our expanding catalogue of voice, including releases such as podcasts, audiobooks, meditations, and other vocal art.

More Sounds

Explore more audial artworks released by Paracosmos, including sound collages, experimental works, ambience, and more.

Paracosmos: Audial - Our Mission

Paracosmos: Audial's mission is to provide the freedom of artistic experimentation and expression through the various artistic mediums under the category of audial arts, creating a highly imaginative and emotive experience for both the artist and their audience.